Thank you for this article. I appreciated learning the history of Haiti. I had the honor of meeting Haitians working in nursing homes here in the US: they are indeed hard working, polite, fluent in English, and beautiful. I will share this article because others need to read your article.

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Great history lesson, but NOT SO FAST:

I'm from the government, and I'm here to help! It's always to "help"--you know, as the UN and the US (Clinton-Bush) did to Haiti after the earthquake there.

You would trust the obidens to do the right thing? THERE'S GOLD IN THEM THERE HILLS! Also, iridium.

When are you going to learn? It's another opportunity to loot the taxpayers and another way to make the oligarchs happy. Our arrogant foreign policy has made us HATED throughout the world--with good reason.

And don't believe the echo-effect media, which promotes all kinds of scams--starting with covid/AIDS, Ukraine fiasco (no--"we" are not winning over there--not even close), etc.

Please watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DiPcTkMQrE

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